Veteran's Day Assembly

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Students enjoyed hearing from our local Veterans as well as our school choir. We'd like to thank all those who serve and who have served our country. We appreciate our freedoms and the sacrifices that were made and continue to be made so we may live in a free country.


Great job to our school choir! We know they've worked so hard and it's paid off! They did a great job today! 

#thankyou #veterans #freedom #usa 

Mrs. Allsop's Class Rides in a Limo!

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Mrs. Allsop's first grade class got to ride in a limo with Mr. Andersen! Their class won the PTA contest by collecting the most money for the  PTA fundraiser. They rode in a limo to a local park, had pizza for lunch and came back to the school!

Second place went to Mrs. Young's class. They won a Pizza party. Third place went to Miss Cope's Sixth grade class. They won creamies along with Mrs. Reynolds Third grade class and Miss Cope's first grade class.

Congratulations Mrs. Allsop's Class!

Praise Notes 11-8-2019

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Every Friday, "Praise Notes" are read during morning announcements. These students are called to the office and get thier picture taken. Students can earn a "Praise Note" by being caught doing kind things throughout the school and classrooms.

#sierrabonita #humansofsierrabonita #sierrabonitabears #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted

Choir Information

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Please mark your calendars for the following:

1) We have a Veteran's Day Program on Tuesday, November 12th at 9:20am (at Sierra Bonita). Please have your student wear Red, White and/or Blue. Please have your child to school on time. We have 2 more regular practices and a combined on Monday, November 25th @8am SHARP!

2) Show Choir will sing for the Kiwanis club on December 4th @7pm at the Memorial Building (400 N and Main).

Praise Notes 10-25-2019

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Every Friday, "Praise Notes" are read during morning announcements. These students are called to the office and get thier picture taken. Students can earn a "Praise Note" by being caught doing kind things throughout the school and classrooms.

#sierrabonita #humansofsierrabonita #sierrabonitabears #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted

Praise Notes 11-1-2019

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Every Friday, "Praise Notes" are read during morning announcements. These students are called to the office and get thier picture taken. Students can earn a "Praise Note" by being caught doing kind things throughout the school and classrooms.

#sierrabonita #humansofsierrabonita #sierrabonitabears #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted