Who's Who Wednesday!

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on
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For today's Who's Who Wednesday, we would like to introduce you to our Principal, Mr. Garrett Andersen!

What is your job title and how long have you been working?

Principal-This is my 5th year here at Sierra Bonita

In your opinion, what's the best part of teaching or working with the kids?

Just being around their energy and positive attitudes towards life. I also love to see it when the light bulb goes on and they understand something new that they have been working to understand.

What are some fun facts about you and your family?

I have been married to my wife Stephanie for the past 22 years. We have 4 kids, Courtney who is 21, Julia who is 18, Nathan 12 and Amelia 8. We love spending time together watching basketball and playing games. We enjoy competing at stock shows and raising animals on my parents farm. We love it here in Spanish Fork and we are proud to call it home.

Anything else you would like to add?

I love being a part of the Sierra Bonita Family and community.

We absolutely love having Mr. Andersen as part of our Sierra Bonita family! 

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