Safety Week - October 25-29

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on
Safety Week

Hi Parents/Guardians,

Next week is Safety Week!! Each day will be a fun theme that your student can dress up to celebrate safety week.

Monday: "Stay Safe Online". Wear a HAT/CRAZY SOCKS day. Read and sign your safety week pledge. Return to your teacher for a treat!

Tuesday: "Crazy For Safety". CRAZY HAIR DAY. Wear your red ribbon or attach it to your backpack.

Wednesday: "Stop, Look and Listen". INSIDE OUT/BACKWARDS DAY. Walk/Ride to school. Practice safety as you come to school.

Thursday: "Put Bullying To Rest. PAJAMA DAY. Do random acts of kindness and share them at the end of the day. 

Friday: "Say BOO to Drugs!". Halloween Costume!