Happy Principal's Day

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on
Principal's Day

May 1st was National Principal's Day. 

Happy National Principal's day to Mr. Andersen! Strong leadership is the foundation of school success and without Mr. Andersen that would not be possible. We cannot begin to describe how thankful we are for the work you do as school principal. You are the glue that keeps Sierra Bonita together. Your ability to empathize with our students and constant belief in the staff inspires us all to learn new things. Never forget how amazing you are and how much of a difference you have made at this school!

We would also like to celebrate our Facilitator Mrs. Amanda Shepherd, Mr. Andersen's right hand (wo)man.  As a facilitator, her  hard work may often go unnoticed, but her amazing leadership plays a huge role in the success of our teachers, staff, and students. Her bubbly personality is felt throughout the school and her infectious smile makes you want to smile back.

We hope they both know how much they are loved and appreciated not only today, but every day.

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