Kindergarten Field Trip

Submitted by janna.slye on

Kindergarten had a wonderful time on their first field trip of the year.  They focused on using their five sensed to learn about the world around them.  The students were able to engage in many different activities at the park:

article by Kindergarten teachers

Gateway Discovery

Submitted by janna.slye on

Last Monday, the fifth grade classes had a visit from Gateway Discovery, an outreach program from the Gateway Children's Museum. All fifth grade students gathered first thing in the morning for a presentation teaching the difference between physical and chemical changes. Later in the morning, each class had an individual session with the presenter to conduct their own experiments. The fifth grade students had a great time being involved in the science experiments and look forward to next semester’s science unit.

Article by Melissa Green

Early Explorers

Submitted by janna.slye on

The fifth grade classes were busy learning about Early Explorers. Students worked in groups to create an Explorer Poster. Then, all the fifth grade classes got together in the gym to view all the posters and guess the identity of each explorer based on the clues given in each speech bubble. Next in Social Studies fifth grade students will be learning about Colonies and Revolution.

Article by Melissa Green

Natural History Museum

Submitted by janna.slye on

Recently the fourth grade visited the Utah Natural History Museum in Salt Lake City. Buses loaded at 9:15 for an hour drive to the museum. After arrival the museum worker explained the rules and students put on their wrist bands to help keep them in groups. The first exhibit was about natural disasters. It was really cool. Student were able to see the left overs of a tornado and experience a simulation of what it looked like in the twister. They learned about hurricanes, volcanoes, wild fires, and earthquakes. The next exhibit was about life.

Article by Sydney Callahan (4th grade student)


Submitted by janna.slye on

Sierra Bonita recently had a very successful school carnival.  On Monday, September 9th from 5:00 to 8:00 o'clock, students and their parents came and enjoyed all the activities.  There were bouncy houses everywhere, fantastic games, and even a fortune teller!  Baskets filled with fun items were also bid on.  Kids were able to buy pizza, popcorn, soda, and cotton candy.  The carnival was so much fun, you did not want to miss it!

Article by Sydney Jenkins (6th grade student)


Submitted by sue.leber on

Welcome to Sierra Bonita Elementary!

We extend a warm welcome to students, parents, and families of Sierra Bonita Elementary, Home of the Bears. We look forward to working with each member of our school community to achieve our school mission statement:

T’was the Night Before Idol

Submitted by janna.slye on

T’was the night before Teacher Idol,

and all through the school

all teachers were hiding,

preparing to act cool.


The stage was all set

for the next day with care

in hopes that all teams,

would participate there.


The great day arrived with 1st grade taking the stage,

they started things off, with One Direction

third grade team

This is the Place

Submitted by janna.slye on

At my first sight of the park I saw an old wagon and an old pioneer house.  There are amazing statues that I couldn't wait to learn about.  The first building that I saw was the Brigham Young Academy.  It was established in 1876.  It only had 59 students!  Sadly it was destroyed by a fire.  In 1903 it became BYU or Brigham Young University.

story by Elise Jones (4th grade student) photos by Erica Dietz