Mrs. Beckert Receives PEAK Award

Submitted by janna.slye on

Nebo School Distict recognizes and awards employees who show positive energy and kindness (PEAK). Sierra Bonita's facilitator, Mrs. Dana Beckert, was this month's recipient of the PEAK award.  Mrs. Stephanie Galt nominated her by saying "“Dana truly goes above and beyond to support not only interns and new teachers, but the entire faculty and staff at Sierra Bonita. She is continually working with teachers to improve their skill and craft of teaching.

Article by Stephanie Galt. Photo by Lana Hiskey

Sierra Bonita Students being called heroes were featured on KSL TV

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Four 6th graders at Sierra Bonita Elementary School are being called heroes. In the middle of recess, one of their classmates had an asthma attack.

Click here to watch the story featured on KSL:

On Monday, October 20, Eric Record, Bradley Baadsgaard, Kobe Peterson and Kai Nelson were playing football. Eric and Kai were running up field when Eric began having trouble breathing.


Kimball Art Museum Visits 2nd Grade

Submitted by janna.slye on

People make art with what they can find.  Art is made of material.  Art can have digital elements.  “The great thing about art is you can’t be wrong!”  Modern art is being created right now.  Art is whatever you make of it.  An artist that like to surf uses the resin he uses on his surfboard for his art.  Collage art takes many materials and puts them together to make one piece of art.  We created collage art today!


Article by Kyler Prescott, 2nd grade student

Red Ribbon Week

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

RED RIBBON WEEK October 27-31, 2014  
Pledge cards will be sent home with your students.  If they fill them out and bring them back to the front office during Red Ribbon Week they will get a reward.  There will be daily drawings for students who are wearing their Red Ribbon and rewards will also be given for dressing up according to the themes.

SCC Meeting

Submitted by sue.leber on

**Notice of Meeting**

Sierra Bonita Elementary‘s School Community Council will meet on November 3, 2014 at 11:40 in the conference room.


The Aaliyah Rose Assembly

Submitted by janna.slye on

 On September 26, 2014 Aaliyah Rose from Radio Disney came to Sierra Bonita Elementary.  She did an assembly on the theme of Follow Your Heart.  During the assembly she sang “Let It Go” from the movie Frozen, an original song titled “Not Looking for Love” and many other songs.  She also did a drawing for t-shirt’s and CD’s in between the songs.  Students earned tickets into the drawing for good behavior.  After the assembly, Aaliyah Rose visited some classrooms in the school.  She was a great singer and she will become a great artist one day.

Article by Abby Green. Photos by Sherin Olson

Story Problems

Submitted by janna.slye on

Mrs. Youd's 2nd grade class did story problems. The students did the story problems with their friends. It was a fun day. The students learned so much.

Article by Addie Brinkerhoff

Early Out - Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 17th

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 17th, school will dismiss at 12:00 noon.

AM Kindergarten will be dismissed at 11:15am. PM Kindergarten will not be held this day.

All AM kindergarten students who ride the bus will remain in class with their kindergarten teacher from 11:15-12:00 noon and will ride the regular first through sixth grade bus home once school is dismissed. If you wish, you may pick up your kindergarten child up when AM kindergarden dismisses at 11:15am.

Please let us know if we can assist you in any way.


Tiffany Manwaring