SEP Conferences - Thursday, December 1st

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Hi Parents!

Student Education Plan (SEP) Conferences will be held December 1st. We are excited to be using SignUpGenius in assisting us to create schedules for our December SEP conferences. (Our SEP Conferences in February will be our Student Led Conferences and will follow a different schedule.)

5th and 6th graders do not need to sign up for a time. Their teachers will hold an open-house style SEP that night. It will be on a first-come first-serve basis in our school gym. (Just the same as it was this past September).


Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

THANK YOU! To all those who have generously donated shoes for Miss Spanish Fork! These shoes are going to be sent to Africa! I am pretty sure our school won the contest.....Can't wait to find out! Sierra Bonita students are sure going to enjoy watching Miss Spanish Fork and the city council get dunked! 

The picture shown is just from today's donations! Way to go parents!! 


Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

"There are not words big enough. There is not a hug strong enough. There is not a smile wide enough. All I can offer is THANK YOU. You are my hero. You are in my thoughts. You are in my prayers. For all you've done, THANK YOU!

There are several picutures of Veterans outside the office windows. These verterans have students who attend Sierra Bonita Elementary! We appreciate the sacrifices and all they do to make this country FREE!

You'll find Thank You letters outside of Ms. Jenson's third grade class as well.


Praise Notes 11-11-2016

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Every Friday, "Praise Notes" are read during morning announcements. These students are called to the office and get thier picture taken. Students can earn a "Praise Note" by being caught doing kind things throughout the school and classrooms.