Ashley Nielsen - Outstanding Employee Recognition Award by Horace Mann

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, where do we begin?  We are not sure if there is any other employee that has been fired more, and yet somehow still has a job here at Sierra Bonita Elementary!  When we heard she was getting an award this morning, we knew for sure that if she could rise above the daily firings, she had to now be Garrett’s favorite, at

Praise Notes -February 3, 2023

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Every Friday, "Praise Notes" are read during morning announcements. These students are called to the office and get their picture taken. Students can earn a "Praise Note" by being caught doing kind things throughout the school and classrooms.

#BelieveInYou #SierraBonita #Sierrabonitabears #TheClimb #NeboHero #NeboSchoolDistrict #StudentSuccess #EmpowerStudents #EngageStudents #FocusOnStudents #LoveUTpublicSchools #UtPol #UtEd #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching

Top TEN Tips for Raising Children with Special Needs

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Top TEN Tips for Raising Children with Special Needs
Thursday, February 9, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

This class will go over parenting tips specific for parents of children with disabilities, including:

Grief with a new diagnosis or challenge
Dealing with crisis
Parenting Techniques that work
Advocating for your child
Controlling your level of stress
Dealing with unwanted advice
Having laughter and hope in the journey

Lana Hiskey

Book Fair Volunteers Needed!

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Our Spring book fair is coming up starting on February 23- March 3 and we are in need of volunteers to help us run our fair! Please follow the link provided and sign up if you are available! We have had successful book fairs in the past and have been able to use 50 % of our sales to help us to add to our teachers classroom, school library and reading programs! It has been such a great fundraiser to help fill our classrooms with books!  Thank you for your support to our school and for the help to keep these events possible!

PTA Meeting - Monday, February 6 at 9:30am

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Reminder PTA Meeting is this coming Monday Feb 6 at 9:30.  If you are volunteering in any activities for the month of February , we would love to see you there so we can answer any of your questions! We are so grateful for all the volunteers this past month in January! I know lots of you will help soon with Valentine’s Day in class parties so THANK YOU!!