SCC Meeting

Submitted by sue.leber on

**Notice of Meeting**

Sierra Bonita Elementary ‘s

School Community Council

will meet on

January 17,2013

at 11:40 in the

conference room.

Santa Visits Sierra Bonita

Submitted by janna.slye on

Mr. and Mrs. Claus paid a visit to the students at Sierra Bonita just before Christmas break.  Unfortunately, the Clauses were unable to land the sleigh in their usual spot due to icy rooftop conditions but the students did not seem to mind.  They were only interested in seeing Santa.  Mr. and Mrs. Claus encouraged the students to be kind to one another and wished them a Merry Christmas before they headed around the world to deliver presents.


Chris Latham

Sing Around the Tree

Submitted by janna.slye on

Sierra Bonita students, staff, and parents look forward to the annual Sing-Around the Tree Assembly.  Each grade level performed an assortment of Christmas Songs.  The gymnasium was filled, not only with Sierra Bonita’s supportive families, but also filled with the spirit of Christmas.  Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this a memorable tradition.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Veteran's Day Assembly

Submitted by janna.slye on

On Friday, November 9, Sierra Bonita had a wonderful Veteran’s Day assembly.  Some veterans came to visit.  They told us how long they served in the military and what they did.  They also showed us a very interesting slide show.  It was full of pictures showing what they did to serve.  At the end of the slideshow, the veterans told us that we should step up and make good choices and decisions.  They then retired the American flag, concluding the assembly and celebrating what they did for our country.

story by Kelcie Richmond (6th grade student)

Sierra Bonita's Got Talent

Submitted by janna.slye on

Every Monday morning Sierra Bonita students and faculty stand in honor of the National Anthem.  Most often it is a recorded version played over the intercom.  Recently though, the student body and staff were treated to a live performance by a very talented third grade student from Mrs. Robin Wheatley’s class.  Halee Crowther delighted everyone with an amazing rendition of the country’s anthem.

photo by Terena Anderson

Turkey Gobbling Assembly

Submitted by janna.slye on
Here at Sierra Bonita Elementary we had a Turkey Gobbling Assembly!!! It's where we have one kid from each class who can gobble and go up on stage and gobble like a turkey. We had three FABULOUS judges, Mrs. Nikki Huntington, Mrs. Janna Slye, and Mr. Larry Beaudin! It all happened on November 19, 2012 hosted by the student council representatives. All the students did a great job and the winners are: Payton Foster from Miss Sherin Olson's first grade class, Owen Kallas from Mrs. Crystal Averett's second grade class, Jared Taylor from Mrs.
story by Bailey Rollins (6th grade student)