3rd Grade Spelling Bee

Submitted by janna.slye on

On January 25, 2013 Sierra Bonita held its school wide 3rd grade spelling bee. We are very grateful to our two PTA representatives, Bobbie Bassett and Sasha Taylor, as well as Dr. Walton and Karen Payne, from the community, who volunteered to be on our judge’s panel. Two representatives from each of our four classes were chosen to participate. All eight of these wonderful spellers came very prepared having obviously studied and practiced. Our 3rd grade classes were a great audience and very supportive of their classmates.

Spirit Week

Submitted by janna.slye on

Sierra Bonita students and staff showed their school spirit this week by dressing up.  The student council designated a theme for each day of the week.  

Monday-Hat Day

Tuesday-Pajama Day

Wednesday-Mismatch Day

Thursday-Red vs. Blue

Friday-Extreme Spirit Day

Both students and staff enjoyed participating in Spirit Week!



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Sierra Bonita is Proud to Present this year’s Musical:


With over 100 students in our production this year, we’ve divided the cast into two performing groups to give as many students as possible a chance to shine. Spirits are high as we work towards our performances on:

March 27th @ 9:30 (Blue Cast)
March 28th @ 2:30 (Yellow Cast)
March 28 @ 7:00pm (Blue Cast)
March 29 @ 7:00pm (Yellow Cast)

Nishelle Cox

Christmas Sweater Contest

Submitted by janna.slye on

Sierra Bonita held its first annual ugly Christmas sweater contest.  Staff members dressed in Christmas themed attire donned with festive accessories.  Students voted on their favorite ugly sweater.  The winners were announced during “Sing-Around the Tree” assembly.  The grand prize winner was Mr. Andy Wiley, first runner up was Mrs. Erica Dietz, and second runner up was Mrs. Nishelle Cox.

SCC Meeting

Submitted by sue.leber on

**Notice of Meeting**

Sierra Bonita Elementary ‘s

School Community Council

will meet on

January 17,2013

at 11:40 in the

conference room.

Santa Visits Sierra Bonita

Submitted by janna.slye on

Mr. and Mrs. Claus paid a visit to the students at Sierra Bonita just before Christmas break.  Unfortunately, the Clauses were unable to land the sleigh in their usual spot due to icy rooftop conditions but the students did not seem to mind.  They were only interested in seeing Santa.  Mr. and Mrs. Claus encouraged the students to be kind to one another and wished them a Merry Christmas before they headed around the world to deliver presents.


Chris Latham