Get Up and Get Involved

Submitted by janna.slye on

On Friday, September 27th, Miss Utah and students from Maple Mountain High School hosted an assembly for students at Sierra Bonita.  Miss Utah’s platform, “get up and get involved” was the focus of the assembly.  MMHS students shared what they do to “get up and get involved.”  Miss Utah was beautiful and inspiring and Sierra Bonita students loved hearing her message.  The highlight was hearing how some of MMHS students knew Sierra Bonita’s own Mr. Myles Peterson and the great guy he is!


article by Megan Newbold, pictures by Sydney Jenkins and Megan Newbold

Teacher Spotlight - Mr. Loreen!

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Mr. Loreen is one of our awesome 6th Grade teachers here at Sierra Bonita Elementary. When asking his class what they love most about him, they came up with this top 10 list:

  1. He makes learning fun
  2. He is the worlds best artist
  3. He makes a mean plate of nachos
  4. He loves unicorns
  5. He's always positive!
  6. He's awesome!
  7. He's funny
  8. He has the best 6th grade student impression
  9. He likes the Seahawks
  10. He has good hair

Thanks for all you do for our 6th grade students Mr. Loreen!

Photo by: Janna Slye; Article by: Mr.Loreen's 6th Grade Class

SCC Meeting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

**Notice of Meeting**
Sierra Bonita Elementary‘s School Community Council will meet on October 7, 2013 at 3:45 in the conference room.


Kindergarten Field Trip

Submitted by janna.slye on

Kindergarten had a wonderful time on their first field trip of the year.  They focused on using their five sensed to learn about the world around them.  The students were able to engage in many different activities at the park:

article by Kindergarten teachers

Gateway Discovery

Submitted by janna.slye on

Last Monday, the fifth grade classes had a visit from Gateway Discovery, an outreach program from the Gateway Children's Museum. All fifth grade students gathered first thing in the morning for a presentation teaching the difference between physical and chemical changes. Later in the morning, each class had an individual session with the presenter to conduct their own experiments. The fifth grade students had a great time being involved in the science experiments and look forward to next semester’s science unit.

Article by Melissa Green