Green Ribbon Week!

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

This week is Green Ribbon week and we are CrAzY for Safety!

Monday - Watch your step! Wear mismatch /crazy socks and shoes

Tuesday - Heads up to safety! Wear a hat today.

Wednesday - Rise' n shine for safety! Wear modest pajamas to school today!

Thursday - Go CrAzY for safety! Crazy hair day!

Friday - Walk to school day! Wear green for safety week!

Saturday - 5k and 1 mile fun run! Please pick up registration papers in the office or online at the school website.

Lets have a GREAT week!


Penny Wars!

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Sierra Bonita Student Council counting penny wars money! As well as a few special penny war donations :)

Photos by Tiffany Manwaring

Treasure of Pennies for our Penny Wars!

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

We wanted to share a cute story with you concerning Penny Wars. Cher Jackson in 1st grade had a Great Grandfather who recently passed away, this Great Grandfather had a treasure of pennies. Today Cher and her Grandparents came to the school to donate his treasure to us. They felt he would want it to go to this worthy cause. Thank you to Cher and her family! This put 1st grade in the lead and was a huge boost toward our goal. We love the support we get from our Sierra Bonita family!!!

Photo: Tiffany Manwaring

Teacher of the Year!

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Congratulations to Shami Coley for being selected as Teacher of the Year!

The 2014 Teachers of they Year are selected by their peers in each school. Congratulations to all these teachers that represent the quality of educators in Nebo School District.

Photo includes Association Representative Sherilyn Woodhouse, Superintendent Rick Nielsen, Teacher of the Year and Elementary Director Julie Warren.

Photo: Lana Hiskey