Ahoy Mateys

Submitted by janna.slye on

After a long day of swabbing decks, arrrr principal, Mr. Larsen AKA Captain James Hook, helped the marooned land lubbers walk the plank.  Sierra Bonita has struck gold with Principal Larsen. Thanks for watching out for Sierra Bonita students!  


article by Lori Matteis

Mother's Day Project

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

On May 11th mothers all across the country were celebrated.  Miss Mathews' class made gifts for this special day.  Each student decorated a purse that contained student-made items to show their love for their moms.  A mother's purse would not be complete without a wallet, keys, coupons, and a card.  All items were made by the students.  Some even chose to add in a cell phone, band-aides, gum, receipts, etc.  We love our moms and hope they had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Article by: Miss Mathews' Second Graders

Seuss Assembly

Submitted by janna.slye on

Students and staff at Sierra Bonita Elementary recognized National Poetry Month by reading and writing poetry.  A school-wide poetry contest generated hundreds of original poems from all grade levels.   A few well known judges were enlisted to help select the winning poem.  Mrs. Shanna Stirland, Park View Elementary’s new principal, Mrs. Stephanie Galt, literacy coach, Mr. Nathan Pyfer, Grammy nominated songwriter, and Mr.

SCC Meeting

Submitted by sue.leber on

**Notice of Meeting**
Sierra Bonita Elementary‘s
School Community Council will meet on May 5, 2014 at 11:40 in the conference room.

Principals' Day

Submitted by janna.slye on

In honor of National Principals' Day, Sierra Bonita's students and staff showed their love for Principal Mike Larsen.  Under the direction of Mrs.Tiffany Manwaring, classes created hearts with thumb prints to symbolize that "once someone touches your heart, the fingerprints will last forever."  Sierra Bonita's community is aware of Mr. Larsen's dedication and the kindness that inspires and motivates everyone to be their best each day.  Mr. Larsen responded to the outpouring of love stating "I am so grateful to be part of Sierra Bonita Elementary.

Bears Bulletin - May 2014

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

We express our appreciation to our wonderful school community for making this school year so successful. We have the most remarkable students and families and are so grateful to have every one of our families a part of Sierra Bonita. We appreciate the partnership we have with you as we work together to create high levels of learning for every student, celebrate individual differences and abilities, and inspire responsible citizenship and lifelong success for all of our students.
