Praise Notes - 3-13-2015

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Every Friday, "Praise Notes" are read during morning announcements. These students are called to the office and get thier picture taken. Students can earn a "Praise Note" by being caught doing kind things throughout the school and classrooms. Way to go!

Tiffany Manwaring

We Play Plug-Free on Wednesday, March 18th

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Miss Spanish Fork contestant, Allison Isaac, would like to promote her "We Play Plug-Free" On Wednesday, March 18th. This challenge is for everyone to put down all of your electronic devises for the whole day, including your computer, iPods, cell phones, T.V., Nintendo, Xbox, etc. and go on adventure!

Use your imagination! See how creative you can be!

Are you up for the challenge?

Miss Spanish Fork Contestant, Allison Isaac

Dr. Seuss' Birthday Bash!

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Students and families of Sierra Bonita enjoyed a fun evening celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday! Students and families were found throughout the school reading as families, listening to stories read by our faculty members in the Bears' Den, eating popcorn, and enjoying the PTA Book Fair!

Thank you so much to all those who came out to enjoy this evening with us!

Thank you for supporting our PTA Book Fair!



Tiffany Manwaring

Praise Note: 2-27-2015

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Every Friday, "Praise Notes" are read during morning announcements. These students are called to the office and get thier picture taken. Students can earn a "Praise Note" by being caught doing kind things throughout the school and classrooms. Way to go!