Online Coding Camps

Submitted by janna.slye on

Nebo School District is providing after school coding camps. Beginner classes will be held at Sierra Bonita and Intermediate/Advance classes wil be held at other schools in the district.

Student Council

Submitted by janna.slye on

This year Sierra Bonita's Student Council is doing things a little different.  Sixth grade Student Council members are creating a video for Friday morning announcements. Students are able to watch these announcements in their classrooms. This has been a fun activity for both the student council members and students.

All Friday morning announcements can be found at the following YouTube link.

Hour of Code

Submitted by janna.slye on

All students at Sierra Bonita were able to participate in Hour of Code, a global program promoting computer science. Hour of Code week was kicked off with a great assembly with Cathi Ogden, a engineering manager at Symantec. She encouraged students to follow their dreams and generated some enthusiasm for computer science. Throughout the week students were introduced to computer programming through simple coding tutorials. A huge thank you to all those who contributed to this successful event.


Shelfie Contest

Submitted by janna.slye on

Congratulations to the winners of Mrs. Dixon’s shelfie contest.

1st Place-Brooklyn Caldwell

2nd Place-Sariah Bingham

3rd Place-Joe Nelson and Samuel Van Dyk

Check out our shelfies on YouTube.


photos by Jone Dixon

Praise Notes - 12-13-2015

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Every Friday, "Praise Notes" are read during morning announcements. These students are called to the office and get thier picture taken. Students can earn a "Praise Note" by being caught doing kind things throughout the school and classrooms.

Tiffany Manwaring; photo by Terena Anderson

Choir Christmas Concert

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Students at Sierra Bonita enjoyed hearing the school choir sing! Students in the choir have been waking up and arriving to school an hour early to practice their songs. Those early morings sure payed off! They were wonderful!