3rd Grade Visits Curiosity Museum

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

The third grade enjoyed going on a fieldtrip to Thanksgiving Point Curiosity Museum. It looks like the kids had so much fun! A big THANK YOU to all the parent volunteers that helped them with this field trip! (additional photos posted)

photos by: Miranda Graves

Happy Boss's Day!

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

It's been great having Principal Andersen at Sierra Bonita. We are super excited to share this day with him and appreciate all he does for our school! THANK YOU Mr. Andersen!

Birthday Table Lunch!

Submitted by tiffany.manwaring on

Each month, the PTA holds a "Birthday Table Lunch" for the students who have birthdays that month. Tables are set up and decorated for the occastion. Parents also join in for the fun!