Mrs. Beckert Receives PEAK Award

Submitted by janna.slye on
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Nebo School Distict recognizes and awards employees who show positive energy and kindness (PEAK). Sierra Bonita's facilitator, Mrs. Dana Beckert, was this month's recipient of the PEAK award.  Mrs. Stephanie Galt nominated her by saying "“Dana truly goes above and beyond to support not only interns and new teachers, but the entire faculty and staff at Sierra Bonita. She is continually working with teachers to improve their skill and craft of teaching. Dana not only supports teachers, but she organizes and manages the tier two interventions and trains, supports and assists all technicians. On top of all of this, Dana pulls students out one-on-one for individualized reading instruction. Oh, and did I mention Dana also presents monthly professional development for the entire staff? Dana shows everyone she comes in contact with what it means to truly be fully immersed in your job. She makes sure those visiting Sierra Bonita see and feel the great things happening at the school.”

Congratulations Mrs. Beckert!


Article by Stephanie Galt. Photo by Lana Hiskey